Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Ya needa chill
  2. ;) ;) ;)

    Making me feel special and whatnot.
  4. Lol. Well good. I've loved everyone's selfies!
  5. I'll post mine on page 69 
  6. Cherry and Sloth rockin' the cherries and sloth tats! Awe yeeeyuh ;)
  7. I'm blind without my glasses. It's literally painful to look at anything without them. And sunlight is a bitch
  8. Hurry to 69 because neph is haaaawt
  9. Lol stahp
  10. No lol I cant.



    To 69
  11. I get migraines without my glasses because of my astigmatism. :(
  12. I'm blind without my contacts.

    ._. I need to get a pair of just regular, clear contacts though. Mine are colored, and I lost my glasses. ?
  13. Hawt. Hawt. Hawt.
  14. I used to have purple colored contacts but then Im like. . My eyes already look scary enough.
  15. Your eyes look really pretty.

    Mine are just a regular brown, but my contacts turn them gray.
  16. This one time my contact got stuck behind my eyeeee
  17. I can't even watch other people put contacts in without freaking out. Lol. Glasses for life.
  18. I have perfect vision :D
  19. Mine are like icy.
  20. Your eyes don't look scary northern :lol:
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