Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. I don't  I only have my pillow
  2. Hucci = Trap Music producer. Nice try though.
  3. ?
    Trap music.

  4. Didn't op tell you to leave?
  5. Amanda, I'm in love with your hair.
    You're officially my #wcw .. Yesterday lol
  6. Oh yeah trap music har har har laugh laugh laugh.
  7. Yes OP told me to leave. Did you honestly think I would?
  8. If you keep addressing him, he can stay. You have to ignore him.
  9. Andrea, but its Thursday today :lol:
  10. That's why I said
    yesterday, bruh.
    lol for this coming Wednesday?
  11. Plot twist: Hucci is spitfire

    Problem solved
  13. Plot twist: Spit isn't that annoying
  14. Even if you don't address me, I can still stay.
  15. Mkay.  Hold on.
  16. Annoying? Behind a screen? Lol so sensitive. So damn sensitive.
  17. Plot twist:.... I forgot :cry:
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