Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. I love the attention
  2. Hulk is an awful person but funny. Very funny.
  3. Hulk.. She was rather ugly in both.. :D
  4. ?? I hope u don't mean nose pic cause um I did and you don't love me for who I am
  5.  k no it's fine i get it ur just bullies
  6. ♪♪♪♬catfish!!!!! ♬♪♪
  7. Hulllllk?

  8. Sven's face when she read this thread
  9. My Gosh :eek:
    I shouldve saved the
    Pics from da group chat
  10. Goodnight you crazy people :lol: I'll do more selfies tomorrow....if this thread is still going
  11.  yes neph?
  12. Yall scared forever away, she could've been bae
    。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 ♡
  13. True as in truth, or true as in me? :shock:
  14. Make her bae in your pm ;)
  15. True as in you sorry. Will be more specific next time
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