Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Forever, You Are a catfish
  2. Pants off hair down Chillin with my seaweed on 
  3. What's a catfish
  4. Catfish-poser
  5.  screw u guys then
  6. How does that even make sense... U guys are a waste of a nose picture
  7. I'll tell the girl I'm posing as to take better pictures next time
  8. The Girl On The First Pic
    Doesnt Look Like The Same Person
    on The second
  9. 1St= Hawt
    2nd= Normal
  11. I can tell you don't know that girls don't look their best all the time... Read a book
  12. Considering that is actually me that's really funny
  13. :lol:
    im laughing

    Im serious, i cant stop

    Pls help me
  14. I can help. :)
  15. :lol:
    savage, help me
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