Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. My heart Is to dark to care...
  2. Don't pretend he doesn't fap to your braces, too.?
  3. Thank you, Cat. 
  4. Sorry aurora was busy ? IRL <3 but thanks I appreciate ze sammich :3
  5. whats with the dark talk punisher? 
  6. Everyone's so cute ️
  7. Is something wrong punisher?
  8. Yes, thank you. Sorry, wasnt rying to be nosey
  9. Krooly is a tad bit if a cutie.

    Why is everyone such youngins tho
  10. I'm back from chillin in a hottub?
  11. hey! lol, dont brag!
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