Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Darn it...two are the same ?
  2. Don't lemme kill the thread 
  3. How my eyes look when I see Webby post a picture:
  4. You look so young.
  5. ️
  6. Stud_Jazzz asked me to post his selfies since he doesn't know how.


  7. Stud_Jazzz is uncle Jesse from Full House
  8. 
    I see the resemblance
  9. thas an old pic lmaooo
  10. Yep my bad there 7 hours old :p
  11. ️

  12. My mom told me to stop taking selfies  :lol:
    I said fight me irl...forgot she was in a wheelchair and she ran into me ?
  13. I like legs ?
    Legs are lyf and sexy

    Legs legs legs legs legs legs and bootay ?
    Don't 4get thighs ?
    Random but hi hey hello
  14. High angle.


  15. ?You your mom = 
  16. But she said she likes this one:

    Should I just stop with the selfies? Lol
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