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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.
My awkward face when people ask me if I am fake :lol:
Bye Amanda feel better!
Where did everyone go??
?hiding because you won't post another selfie ?
But... I posted soo many just my face was covered
?post more...,people are prob tired of seeing mah face?
I have millions I've posted more than the average selfie Enthusiast
I haven't seen shady post one
Shady hasn't posted one and most likely won't.
? If Anyone needs me msg my main..getting phone back ---V_iBabyAlienAbductYou--- Bye baes
I saw Tinas face yesterday. Third party ♡
wow yolo
Someone make me a sign that says Neph, then I'll be happy