Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Rune that image is fake they aren't cute  mean
  2. Because! You are one of the attractive ones here!
  3. Rune says that to everyone.
  4. ?Oh gosh?
    Btw...where are your selfies ??
  5. Auto when was the last time I made u a gif?
    Yeah bruh
    Fite me
  6. you gonna have the pervs wacking to your selfies 
  7. My selfies? I already posted someI can repost if u want lol
  8. Savage bro you look like a baller
  9. I am I only 3 selfies 
  10. Rune, I was talking about Error .

    I was never good enough for a gif.

    *middle finger emoji*
  11.  lololololol i only take selfies when people ask what i look like
  12. I said the where are your selfies to the icrywhenipee guy 
  13. What do you look like prozen?
  14. I have your selfie prozen
    And auto I never error
    Cept when they are extremely cute.-.
  15. K, prozen, take a selfie and show us lah.
  16. Rune. K. I get it.
  17. ?We need more selfies or imma just post pictures of my dog in hats 
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