Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. Yeah I haven't seen shady post one.
  2. Punisher looks very friendly.
  3. Ummm thanks I guess
  4. Probably my last selfie, but I'm with my doggeh
  5. Webby you look like my First bf.-. (Yes I'm bi.-.)
  6. waiting for Mars' selfie
  7. First time posting
  8. Post a selfie hell  we don't hate
  9. Don't know how and I dont like to take pics 
  10. Webby is probably your ex bf, rune.
  11. I wanna see shady!
  12. Ew fuck that.  Females only, please and thank you.
  13. Autumn. ️
  14. You can't spell females without males lah.

    You also can't spell happiness without penis.
  15. Yeah I haven't seen shady post one!
  16. Only one is required crystal 
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