Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. You were in SBO? I never knew that.

  2. Anna, I love you ♡
  3. I think be was called Dru or some shit like that
  4. Haha a long time ago lol disbanding rp clubs was fun
  5. I've been in V Family since I started pimd..literally :lol: V Family clubs are my home clubs ?
  7. What was your older name? I don't even know you lol.

    I loved disbanding clubs with Phil, Rob, Slendy, Underscore, etc.? Memories.<3
  8. V is a good family
  9. Ik emperor lol I love em they accept my weirdness
  10. Just throwing it out there. Phil is awesome. <(^-^)>
  11. What the actual fuck guys. This morning, 3.8k posts. I'll buy everybody who goes outside a My Little Pony doll.
  12. Nah. Ima hibernate
  13. You noobs wouldn't understand the feels. ,_,

    Well some of you are noobs.

    Jk. All of you are.

    Fite me.
  14. I'm a noob? 
  15. Noob power
  16. Yas. The biggest noob here.

    Your status says #MenPower but you have a girly avatar.?
  17. My avatar is sexy  Innocence is attractive 

  18. [─■°)3(°]─■
    I Love

    Yes, You

    Y O U
  19. is pickles forum banned? Havnt seen that person on forums for awhile either
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