Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. I've not said anything  well not for 5 pages anyway
  2. Im gon assume half you cakes are desprate. It seems like it to me tbh.
  3. There should be a fruit for single, and currently not looking.
  4. Melon,

    Melon=Sadly Widowed
  5. Melon why aren't you asleep
  6. Damnit, noob and hulk confused me
  7. Lmfao blueberry is single. WHY DO SINGLES HAVE TO BE BLUE?!?!?
  8. That's what the banana is for crystal ;)
  9. A melon is sadly widowed. But I'm a watermelon
  10. I see what you did there.?

    Mind = blown.
  12. Passion fruit is widowed lah.
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