Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. You did rune?!?!??
  2. I know he is lurking.
  3.  I want to talk to you on the phone

    Phone sex.
  4. Nobody can really tell what I say tho.-. And I sound derpy with how much I talk or don't talk at all
  5. I know Auto in real life 
  6. Stop lying shady?
  8. Rune we argued about Camel Spiders for 15 minutes.
  9. Is it bad that I drool when looking at autumn's pic?
  10.  ?
  11. Send me a USA mascot if you aren't lying
  12. We all do Krooly
  13. Attention : Melon unblocked me

    Ill update the slug rp soon.
  14. Melon bae. Where's my attention. I made a fair offer.
  15. Auto
    These fools be too derpy
    Chu know who didnt drool at that one pic that you thought would be too much? Meh. I know sexy,but I don't derp at sexy
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