Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. I wanted it so bad, but my dog is extremely territorial, and he would have tried to eat that goat. 
  2. Oh gosh that wouldn't be good 
  3. ? I know right.

    That goat hit me in the feels.
  4. Would be awful to come home and find a bloody goat calling for help while your dog eats it alive...
  5. .... Dude. Too far.
  6. Oops. My bad.
  7. Is it bad I laughed?
  8.  That'd be depressing. My dog is smaller than two of my cats and the chubby one is more territorial than the other two so when we first got our dog he tried to chase the cats but the chubby one wouldn't have it and totally hissed at him, apparently he looked scary cuz now my dog leaves the cats alone 
  9.  YES.
  11. But they don't hurt anything 
  12. Whose turn is it?
  13. I have a Chihuahua and a Rat Terrier.

    My Terrier is scared of my Chihuahua.
  14. ? I say it's Rice's turn.
  15. My dog is a chihuahua yorkie 
  17. Who hasn't selfie'd lately?
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