Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1.  you can farm me. I have nothin better to do...
  2. I have their permission. N I understand where you coming from.. Just didn't want anyone to think I'm wrong..... Or maybe he was catfishing me.... But he sent me like 60pictures :-(OMG IVE BEEN CATFISHED.... Wtf
  3.  Shady
  4. You just said you know they weren't catfishes because you met them in rl.....?
  5. And the plot thickens 
  6. Changing the story now. O the drama.
  7. No the last picture.... OMG is he really a model.....

  8. You said you met ALL of them. What changed?
  9. thread is  it can die already 
  10. He looks exactly like him... But he isn't a model...psh y do I need to lie about selfies....
  11.  You know, don't even answer.

    What you didn't do or you did do (as Kermit says) isn't any of my business. It's not my place to put anyone on blast.
  12. He's actually an escort.... You guys know the rest...then that's another person you're seeing on instagram because it's not him.
  13. Bae...

    Stop making it worse for yourself.

    It's all good. <3
  14. Well this escalated quickly. 0.o
  15. [─■°)3(°]─■I Love You
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