Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. This is like the only cute picture in my phone

  2. I need suggestions for anime because the only anime I know of is Pokemon.?
  3. ? I don't watch anime.

    I watch hentai tho.
  4. Crystal <3

  5. Crystal what kind of anime you like? This one is ToraDora and it's romance I cried
  6. My brothers watched bleach...
  7. Mason lah, you're always crying. ? is toradora even sad?
  8. That seems cute, Mason.??

  9. It does have a heart breaking moment in it lol actually it's right after the moment that's in the gif I was like
  10. What anime is that?
  11. I love naruto (っ´▽`)っ 

  12. I'm told this one is good it's Gurren Lagen I think
  13. Ok soo someone post a selfie.
  14. Its getting so epic (ง°▼°)ง
  15. I don't cry when watching stuff. ,_, I didn't cry during TFIOS ;-;
  16. Naruto ends soon doesn't it?
  17. I started laughing during tfios when Augustus was at the gas station and everyone glared at me.

    The movie just wasn't as good as the book. ;-;
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