Another Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by oldRicecakes, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. I wear things to the beach.. I wear thongs to the shops, I wear things most places when it's not cold
  2. Wonder how long it will be before the usual people show up and post pics everywhere then fish for compliments about how gorgeous they are.......
  3. I already showed up caspy ? now compliment me dammit!
  4. ^ like, "Oh em gee, I'm so ugly!"
  5. I'm a catfish.


  6. Casper..... You're so beautiful, I wish I was pretty like you! I feel so ugly next to you! 

  7. [​IMG]

    Since people are taking selfies I'll share one of myself ? u might have seen me make Daniel San wax on and wax off my car ? :lol:
  8. Did they just deleted the op

  9. Woah Cherry... You always said I was sexy ?
  10. ?

    That means you don't eat fish right? ?
  11. Lol the Mr. Miyagi picture woulda got a lot more compliments if he were in a thong with side noob showing… .just saying
  12. You're hurting the feels 
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