Another Biased War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jellie, May 31, 2019.

  2. If this was any other war and not for a modcrate would you care if you didnt get on the roster
  3. I have the solution. It's time for a players vs mods sfw. Rise up
  4. Do you even have an idea how to arrange balanced stats war? Its first time first serve but it also could be people sign up faster than you and fill your stats range spot fisrt.
  5. This honestly.
  6. I always join any war :)
  7. Some do, many just want the crate and will whine until they get it
  8. Riley was the first to sign up, shouldn’t the balancing of the stats start with her? But she wasn’t included on the roster either.
  9. Not everyone is up for the mod crate. I have joined wars before and got nothing after winning. Like the birthday war I’m in now.
  10. Exactly. We are nobody’s that’s why we didn’t make the cut.
  11. Not saying everyone, but I’d say the bulk of people who signed up are here for the mod crate.
  12. ^ Didnt even know there was a mod crate prize ?
  13. You’re just dumb shhh
  14. Die
  15. So aggressive today
  16. Isn’t that what you like ?
  17. I’m drunk bye
  18. Hulk and Day need to just kiss already or something every thread y’all got that weird shrexual tension goin
  19. Another stupid noob idiot thread