
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Afrozilla, May 27, 2011.

  1. No you are not you are you and whatever happens in life you always have yourself, you
  2. I'm anorexic and it's not that easy to just start eating!
  3. I was anorexic  I started when I was 14... It's soo hard to get out of that thing, At 16 was the first time that my mom took me to the hospital (spent few time there) by that time I was way under weight. 2 years after I started eating normally (more or less). Of course you need help, you can't do it by yourself. U get used to eat just an apple a day. Or just drink water, tea, carrots... I end up counting the lettuce. 3 leaves plus half carrot. That was it. U get obssesed with the food, u can't see anything else, even if u are just bones and skin. I have to say that I was lucky, I got a lot of help and eventually I realized that doing that was just wrong. Now I'm 20, Im 100 pounds but It's because I'm thin, fast methabolism. And I'm happy with that, I do exercise and still have a doctor that watch me. So, it's been 6 years, and now I can say that I'm Ok. Anorexy is NOT a game, so don't start!! Don't be stupid. It can kill you and make you, and you loved ones suffer.
  4. But sometimes you just want to stop feeling so fat and ugly 
  5. It's a mental disorder with a high mortality rate. 'just eat' is hardly going to cure it :roll:
  6. Bulimia is scarier
  7. Gee, I think that bulimia is a bit worst and makes u feel really bad. I met few bulimics :/ Eat a lot and vomit... You punish yourself for eating  It's really really bad :( As lilmoo says you feel fat and ugly even if you aren't, the society makes u think that. It's so f**cked up.
  8. Secilywoo sorry 
  9. My friend had anorexia, she got really sick and we always had to tell her she's beautiful as she was. 
  10. My aunt is anorexic. It makes me cry. She is in the hospital connected to a feeding tube.  Shes dying. I am just so upset cause shebis my favorite aunt!
  11. I'm not anorexic. But some people think I am. I'm 91Lbs. And 17Yrs old. Lawl. But I'm not. I<3Food xDD. If iEat it. Whhy. Why why why. Would I Wana puke it up:) Lawl. Speaking about foooodd.. Mu toaster strudel is done  ~<333
  12. Zelda you have a fast metabolism.

    I kinda think that what the OP posted is sorta rude. Sure, they do need to eat. But it's wanted to be perfect by human culture. What are people influenced by? Pop culture. Models, TV shows, songs, even others. In our eyes, they are beautiful. But what is beauty? Is it fair skin and crystal eyes? Or can it be a simple face beauty? In an anorexics eyes, beauty is thin. To me, beauty is a flat stomach. They cannot help what they believe. It's is like religion. How do you go against something you believe that is true? Days go by, then weeks and maybe, just maybe someone could help them. But it's snot something for you to yell at them for. Let them feel beautiful, because either way, beauty is in the eye of the beholder not anybody else.
  13. You do know this thread was made in May. 
  14. Why yes I do. Three days early! I wasn't the one who bumped it.