Ppl who think that it's not gd enough or lame then participate in compition and do better to prove it
I don't think that really matters , with me at least.. I have no idea who winner is, why would I buy a poster when I already have 2 others, just to help some random(and ATA gets 100%of my 39ec rl money for poster?) it sounds like buying $5 lotto ticket when u are guaranteed not to win, with a pre-determined winner .. I think the room items and top10/100 items are getting lame, if you already have full room or duplicates, there is no point getting new items unless you just like to throw money away.... but really, 39kcs item is not even worth me getting out of bed for anymore ️ I suppose someday whenever ATA decides to let us trade room items it may be of some inconsequential kcs value....
I have seen the posters that a lot of peeps were talking about, to be real honest both were good. One took it through all the years that represents pimd and the other took a few bits of pimd.... One i would definitely buy in real life and the other on here ec form. One was so fun and it makes you want to play pimd and the other not so much but makes you consider playing. As for the rest you all did great and tweak those digital formats, style and create more from the heart. Only one should have won to be honest, i don't have room to say anything because i didn't enter. In total honesty only......
I actually just took a glance at them, I would never use my irl Facebook to like anything on Pimd page, cuz I had an unfortunate event with morons I was in sfw with using that against me once .. I have learned my lesson.. Anyways, I saw one poster that I thought had some skill and creativity , rest were just blah.. No use me saying which was which now, it's moot ️️
Even if someone did better, this poster got a lot of likes and shares on fb. It's all about firends duh :roll: