Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CocoDream (01), Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Ahh! So many anime to choose on! Thanks guys! I'll go have an anime marathon right now.


    Yeah phil, they break too easily!!
  2. Yakitate Japan.. old anime but fun to watch
    Gensomaden Saiyuki is my all-time fave anime.. You should try it too 

    (But in my case, I seldom watch anime anymore and just read manga, manhwa and stuff: Vagabond, Usogui, Liar Game, Gamaran, The Breaker, etc)
  3. Higurashi
    deadman wonderland
  4. Karakuridouji Ultimo 
  5. Hunter x Hunter :)
    Fairy tail
  6. Yeah, I already watched Deadman wonderland and hellsing! Freaking awesome. Hoho! I like how dark it is.

    Yakitate Japan, I laughed out loud watching that!! I mean, you'll see hisuka, conan, i think, there was this one time when goku and bioman appeared too!! Haha!! Really funny anime!
  7. Elfen lied
    High school of the dead (guns boobs zombies)
  8. What type of genre you interest in?
  9. Hmm. Something dark. I don't really like shouju ones.

    Yeah, and I already watched HOTD.
  10. Thriller? Horror? Mystery?
  11. I watch anime i like 
  12. I watch Bleach and Naruto 
  13. Avatar too, you know, all that mainstream anime. 
  14. Rookie
  15. ?? Bleach? As in the cleaning stuff?
  16. Fairy Tail is awesome watch it
  17. Naruto,fairy tail,shounen onmyouji and d gray man 
  18. Devil May Cry.
    The Code Geass 3rd season which just came out.
    And.... Full Metal Alchemist