Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Kaitlyn: frowns and looks hurt.
  2. Elza; - sits on a cloud and sighs - could my day get any worse!?
  3. Killua: -he sighs as he now have finelly done it. He gave into it all. He looks over at Kaitelyn, but looks away soon. He dont know what to do at this point or how to act-
  4. Elza; - rests head on the cloud and closes eyes -
  5. Hikaru:-runs out.- what has happen?
  6. Kaitlyn: watches killua
  7. Elza; - feels a sharp shooting pain in my stomach - owch, must of been the arrow from earlier.. - sighs and rubs where the arrow hit -
  8. Hikaru: -to Elza- what is happening?

    Killua:-looks at her again-..... May I help you? -in a blank tone-
  9. Elza; I- I don't know, the arrow must of been poisoned or something? - closes eyes in pain and holds stomach tightly -
  10. Killua:-since she did not anser he sitts down on a stone-

    Hikaru: Where is Killua?
  11. Elza; - breathing starts to get heaver - I have no clue. I-I haven't seen him today. I tried to find him earlier but I couldn't. - curls over in pain -
  12. Hikaru:-look at her and trys to heal her-
  13. James: -talks with Hikaru with my mind- he is in the land of saden I believe
  14. Hikaru:-talks back- "what? What is he doing there?"
  15. James: Turning back to his alleged master.
  16. Hikaru:-screams- WHAT!?
  17. James: I'm sorry. -talks in an Indian voice- he has not unlocked the last part if himself that can only be unlocked by friends and family.
  18. Elza; - try's to slow breathing down - Hikaru, what's the matter!?
  19. ( bed now guys night