Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Hikaru: why? You are an angel, right?
  2. Elza; - sighs and stands up slowly - any idea where he could be? - looks around -

    ( going to bed now guys! Night)
  3. James: One that has forgotten the ways of life.
  4. Hikaru:.. P... Paul? ... As in the dicaibel? -says it without thinking-
  5. James: Born under the name Saul in the Roman Empire.
  6. Hikaru:-wakes up-.. Oh man. An other that has lived many lives. First Judas, now Paul..
  7. James: -thinks to self- I wonder if I should use the name that I had or the one god choose for me.
  8. Hikaru: who know.

    (okay. Im going to bed too. Gn)
  9. -appears near haiku(?)-
  10. Kaitlyn: getting cold. Wondering if anyone is looking for her.
  11. -feels the presence of Kaitylin, teal ports her to me-
  12. Vincent: "Yes... I suppose I haven't exactly gotten around to asking for your na-"
    He turns around to face Kaitlyn but sees her slowly phasing away.
    "Oh? Hmm. Well, goodbye." He sighs.
    "Maybe sometimes I care too much..." He slumps back into his armchair and sighs.
  13. Kaitlyn: I'm kaitlyn, I- )teleports back( oh.
  14. Killua:-is outside Vincents palace- VINCENT!!! -he calls with a clear strong voice-
  15. Elza: -looks around -
  16. Vincent: "Honestly, I do enjoy your company." He said with a smirk on his face as he poured another glass for Kaitlyn.
    "Hmm. Killau..?" He heard his voice in the distance.
  17. Vincent: He phases from his chair and to the entrance in less than a split second.
    Fury sparks in his eyes as he sees Kills outside. "You defile my home with your presence... I have nothing for you anymore." He scoffed.
  18. Killua: but I have for you. We have escaped this too many times! We cant run away anymore.... you know what Im talking about.. -cold tone. He ignors the fury he sees in Vincents eyes-