Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Scarlet:-doges and blocks his attacks then lunges and slashes at his cheek-
  2. Damian: -blocks and knocks scarlet on her back and jumps on her putting his sword to her throat- do you surrender
  3. Scarlet:-growls and turns her hips rolling on top of him the knife on his neck- do you?
  4. Sparrow: -Watches in amusement as Scarlet puts her sword to his neck-
  5. Damian: -flips her over using his momentum to land over top of her a dagger to her throat- I said do you surrender
  6. Scarlet:-sighs- fine I surrender
  7. Damian: -smirks and kisses scarlet- I knew you would
  8. Scarlet:-uses that to flip over pinning your arms and legs so you can't get back up and smiles- you shouldn't let your guard down
  9. Tarragon: wonders around.
  10. Damian: -slides his feet free and uses them to flip her on her back and get over top of her- and you shouldn't be so confident against me
  11. Sparrow: -Glares at Damian as he kisses Scarlet-

    (Oh you are so on destroyer )
  12. (Hehehe it's on )
  13. Scarlet:-smiles up at you wickedly-
    (Wow lol y'all know I'm right here)
  14. Tarragon: flies around looking to be needed in necessary.
  15. (Yeah we know)
    Damian: -gets up and helps scarlet up-
  16. (I love how I submitted a character hours ago and I still haven't been accepted)
  17. (The owner isn't on I think)
  18. (do you think I can Mabye just start participating our should I wait)
  19. (Just join in)