Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Kaitlyn: zay is the demon king. He's trying to KILL us. Killua is being obnoxious and KILLING people and Matt is just confusing
  2. Lexi; I agree with the Matt stuff and umm.. Everything really. - laughs -
  3. Kaitlyn: Matt stuff?
  4. Lexi; you know.. Matt is confusing. - laughs -
  5. Kaitlyn: one second he's all like. "hey" then the next he's like " KILL KILL KILL"
  6. Lexi; - thinks - I agree .
  7. Kaitlyn: where is he by the way?
  8. Lexi; umm.. I don't know. Last time I saw him I was asking him if he was ok and we were on the cloud.. - thinks -
  9. Kaitlyn: oh.
  10. Lexi; I will go and check if he is still there - gets up. -
  11. Kaitlyn: I'll come -suspiciously-
  12. Lexi; ok - smiles, flies over to the cloud -
  13. Kaitlyn: follows her
  14. Lexi; Matt? Matt?
  15. Killua:Master! This is importent! Please my lord, lisend to my pray.
  16. Zay: What is it that you need?

    Matt: -in the woods-
  17. Lexi; -sighs- he's not here.
  18. Killua: master, the memoris of what happend 1000 years ago is infecting me. I thod you had knocked them out of me not to get in the way. But thy are back, and it made me lose my chance on a Angel.... Pluss that damn Angel Matt gat in my way.
    Okay, thats it! He will be my next target.
    But back to what Im asking. Please Master, make me forget that day when I meet that human who said he could love me, my demon senses are going wild and makes the masks you gave me to make pain without your attension.
    Im going to fail if this memoris keeps haunting me. Thy make me weak. -bows head-
  19. Lexi; - sees my sword on the cloud - there you are!
  20. Kaitlyn: in her flat reading on her bed