Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Killua: i have to go now. We will talk an other time. -leaves-

    (sorry but its 3am here. I need sleep)
  2. Kaitlyn; sighs
  3. Matt: -sits down and starts pulling grass out of the ground-
  4. Kaitlyn: what did he tell you about once I passed out
  5. Matt: He said that he wondered how I would look screaming with sinful pain and lust, and that I would have to go over to the dark side for him to heal you
  6. Kaitlyn: looks at her hands. Oh.
  7. Matt: -continues to pull out grass- Yeah
  8. Kailyn: grabs his hand.
  9. Matt: -looks at her-
  10. Kaitlyn: smiles
  11. Matt: -smiles slightly-
  12. Kaitlyn: is something wrong?
  13. Kaitlyn: are you sure? You seem....distant
  14. Matt: -takes a long pause- Positive
  15. Kaitlyn: yeah ok. Stands up.
  16. ( omg. Havnt been on here in ages! Soooo sorry)
  17. Killua:-returns to his master and kneel infront of him- I have returnd, my lord... -his voice is cold but soft-
  18. Lexi; - sits on a cloud messing about with my wings -
  19. Killua:-he is nervos if Zay will punish him for his words if he heard them. As much as he brings pain He himself hated it. He knew he risked much, but this was not the first time he douted himself and his being. He had many times saved angels in seared. Much was on risk-