Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Kaitlyn: b-but I was asleep
  2. Matt: Yeah I um... I thought I'd wait until you woke up
  3. Kaitlyn: sits cross legged on the cloud.
  4. Lexi; flys to another cloud.. - thinks -
  5. ( anyone on?)
  6. ( I don't know, but you might aswell.. )
  7. Jake
    Angel warrior
    The leader type of guy

    Demon warrior
    Short to mid talker
  8. Lexi; - spots jake - hello! Are you new around here?
  9. Kaitlyn: curls up into a small ball and falls back asleep
  10. Lexi; that's good, we need some new recruits., you are Warrier then? - smiles -
  11. (may i join?)
    Name: Killua
    Demon warrior and magic user
    Age: 19
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Personalety: as any other demon is he cold and beasty. But he has his douts about himself, the war and his beeing as a demon.
    His magic talent it great and he is a bit intrested in angels (he wonders often how it is to fuck one too)