Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Kaitlyn: ok! Smiles broadly (night
  2. I know it's a horrible colour.. But why does it have to be black? The colour freaks me out so much - shivers and drops the feather -
  3. Matt: -leads her out of the training center-

    Zay: It's a good thing it freaks you out
  4. How is it a good thing? - looks up - wait.. Your a demon arnt you!? - looks scared -
  5. Zay: Your guess us very... Accurate -smiles devilishly-
  6. Follows obediently
  7. What are you doing here!? - starts to slowly edge back -
  8. Zay: I thought I'd pop in for a visit
  9. Kaitlyn: watches everyone and holds Matt's hand
  10. Pop in for a visit? Well anyways, your not welcome here! - stands up -
  11. Matt: -holds her hand, sees Zay- Zavier!!!! -grows angry-

    Zay: Why hello, Matthew
  12. Lexi; - looks at Matt - Matt, you know him?
  13. Matt: Unfortunately, yes

    Zay: -smirking- We go way back
  14. - sighs - well zay, just go away.. Your not welcome, leave Matt alone.
  15. Zay: I don't think it's very wise of you to tell me what to do
  16. Kaitlyn: smiles a zay. Hi. You must be Matt's Brother?
  17. Lexi; well tough luck because I just did, now go... - becomes a bit scared -
  18. Zay: You are correct
  19. Zay: -looks at Lexi- I'm not going anywhere, not yet at least
  20. Kaitlyn: smiles. I'm kaitlyn