Naya; - notices wings now fully white - Wait. If I give all my power to Elza.. Will she come back.. Well.. Alive? - opens her wings -
Vincent: "Enough." He raises his left hand and swings a backhand, shoving Kill away from himself and glares at him with immeasurable hatred. "You leave Killau, then enjoy your freedom. I had no qualm with you, but you harmed Kaitlyn. You do not want to fight me, then what is it that you really want? Enough tomfoolery, state your purpose, demon."
Hikaru: I doute it.. Kill:-he smirks sickly- Easy... I wish for you and your powers. Buseniss is of my own. With killua you could have slaved me and gaind great. But you where too stupid and naiv to see it. Now... Jugment.,.
Naya; - sighs and wipes years from her cheek - Well, who is this Kill you speak of? I have never heard of him before?
Hikaru: Kill is a bloodlust demon. He has no shame or limits. He can kill others but cant be killed himself.
Naya; - turns around with et back to Hikaru and closes her wings - His life must be hell. - tilts her head a bit to the side so she can see Hikaru out the corner of her eye.-