Angels VS. Demons (RP)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Stud_Shorty13 (01), Oct 15, 2012.

  1. Elza: - sends Kaitlyn a telepathic message - Kaitlyn, I just want to say thanks for everything that you have done for me.. And sorry that we didn't have a fairytale ending. But, do me a favour.. Never give up..
  2. Dom: -walks into the town and says- your going to for smooth style -bleeped out- hahahahahaha
    (That can not happen if you guys want it not to happen)
  3. Hikaru:-leavs and sitts down in the halls-

    Kill: Cmon.. Try me Vincent!
  4. Vincent: "Try? Tch..." Vincent moves his left hand straight behind him, curls it up into a fist. He immediately swings right for his jaw with a bone crunching snap.

    "Now, now... Don't hold back just because of this." He stares at his cast for a bit, before promptly ripping it off, reopening his right arm's wounds.

    "Ignatious." A bright green flame bursts from his left fingertips. Vincent remains emotionless as the searing flame closes up the gash. He has sealed the wound but is still unable to use his right hand.

    "That little punch isn't nearly enough to do you in, now is it? Come."
  5. Elza; - smiles - goodbye.
  6. Kill:-smirks and gos up in smock before he re-forms again in an unhurt stait. He gasps for air-
    Haha... No.. Im not done. Lets play some more. This is geting fun.

    -he apers infront of him, sending his fingers hard into Vincents wonded arm-
  7. Elza; - takes a deep breath -
  8. (hold on, is she Dying?!)
  9. ( Yepp! But I think I will bring my other characters back in after she dies! [Naya and Amber]
  10. Dom: -flies into the underworld because doesn't wanna kill more people-
    Goldie: -sits on a bench-
  11. Hikaru:-crys when he feels death closeing in on Elza-...
  12. Elza; don't cry, just remember.. Tell everyone.. Even Killua, that I love them all dearly. And tell Killua, to never give up. - closes eyes and exhales -
  13. Hikaru:.. I will.. I freed him from his demon... Thanks Elza.. And goodbye..
  14. Elza; - holds Hikaru's hand - Goodbye. - smiles slightly and let's go -
  15. (No one even talks to Goldie or Dom do most likely I should quit)
  16. (you need to talk to us. Not just wait)
  17. ( you've only just joined calm the hell down)