An interesting thought.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *iExx (01), Sep 26, 2011.

  1. :l I'm dumb.
  2. -.^ I hate when my threads die after I took 5-10 minutes writing a long post.
  3. Lol

  4. Lol, bump didn't work.

    bump 
  5. I dont get why no one is posting, this is a very interesting thread
  6. I have many a theories about life but they are far too complex to post on here. I'd have to explain face-to-face and that isn't going to happen.
  7. I guess nobody cares about the essential force driving all actions. 
  8.  Cheater!

    *hug back* Don't tell serial. TeeHee.
  9. I'm not a cheater.

    I'm not allowed to hug you? 
  10. KIDDING! well, I'm kidding if you post a reply to the thread. 
  11. ... Ok then  *stops*
  12. Oh ok... Very bad joke 
  13. I'm kidding. Hugging is fine.
  14. Not gonna hug ya now. *crosses arms* 
  15. Fine then. *turns back to*
  16. I say bye bye to this dying thread 