Its not nobody cares about the issue its just not many ppl like op (just being honest) ppl seeing her supporting how wrong it is at best will just make ppl go support telling others to do it. For example cigarette companies used to show commercials of the ppl that were uncool and that crap and then show some false cool looking in a jacket telling them to be like that kid and buy cigarettes so ppl seeing anya(the person no wants to be) and the ppl shes talking about the ones going around saying that mean stuff(supposely cool kids) well i feel like her thread had the opposite affect just cuz shes op im sorry if that offended just saying what i think will become of this thread
What people need to learn is: they're some heartless trolls on forums xD either don't come here or have thicker skin and not let lifeless cyber bullies get to you
I personally think suicide is for the people with weak hearts. Ok you're being bullied or you've been talked about. If you aren't what they call you why bother. People go tell you to kill yourself.why in the world would be dumb enough to think that way and actually go do it. I dont support this thing at all cuz people shouldnt be that sensitive except children. N even if children fall get bruised never see them plunging a knife inside them because they they brush it off and continue to plsy. Instead of jumping off cliffs and bridges cuz your life may seem worthless remember theres one person you never know thats thinking "where are you and why havent you came yet". Dont ruin that other half who can make u whole by doing a stupid judgement. Theres Always a light at the end no matter how dark.
Lost my boy.u be riding so hard and so deep it aint even funny.get lost.stay on topic. If u wanna talk to me pm me.or wall me. Not on here u fake troll.
Nillabean_215 off this thread now, anyone else who decides to take it off topic will be removed as well, again as I have stated many times this is not about suicide it's about the people thinking it's "cool" and "funny" to encourage others to do it. One day they just might so step of your high horse and grow up.