so are you saying americans are stupid ? badically he won so he got majority of votes so please tell me are americans really stupid
yes they are. The education system is rather pathetic compared to several other countries, and those who do go to college get pressured into thinking a certain way about certain topics effectively narrowing their outlook on things.
Please. Do go on about an education system you know nothing about. It's not the system, it's the people.
No point in trying to pull the blinds off someone that's convinced only kids in America can have the literacy struggles not found in other developed countries, proving its the system not the people
You have access to google correct? Also look up the top non college level schools in the country and see how many are public.
I do have access to Google. I'd like to see your specific sources and statistics though. Was this concluded in academic journals and studies?
Honestly, I never knew Harmony was so sophisticated... Anyways, Hillary pulled the votes for the democratic president candidacy. No one remembers that? A different Democrat was about to win and go up against Trump. I'm black and I supported Trump who is white... So am I racist? I love Latinas mo than anyone, does dat make me racist? Honestly, Hillary would be the cause of the next Great Depression. Menopause, Bill cheating or Bill leaving her could cause her to press that red button. Also, uneducated people really don't vote. More educated people vote instead of dropouts. Our school systems are decent. It's the staff members, and certain people who give it a bad name. Therefore, Google, which is American I might add, didn't give you your information. You're making up irrelevant things to make conversation. I addressed multiple people by the way
Trump supporters aren't educated.... "Raciest" is actually spelled RACIST and "there" refers to a non-proper place, not a group of people, which would be "their." You voted for Clinton so you must be educated, right? It shows, boy. WOW!
Has everyone forgotten Mike Pence? He was a governor. He has political experience. He is Trump's most-trusted advisor. He also has a cabinet FULL of politicians. He may lack the personal experience politicians have, but that also means he lacks the corruption and greed and lies that politicians have, too. Look at both sides of the coin.
Going off facts on who voted for trump.and yes I voted for Hilary.And I'm sorry I have trouble spelling I'm not perfect??
If you have trouble spelling, you can't make a statement about education. Being able to spell simple words and use them in the correct context is very, very basic education - unless you're in Kindergarden in the late 90's.