am i famous? ;)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Take_A_Chance_on_meAKA_PWND, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. See if make one of these I'd have alot, but I'm not that desperate to be liked 
  2. Lmao!!!!!!!  I totally agree. Stop seeking attention please
  3. Yeah, soooooo um, -___- fail -___-
  4. You do know this was all a joke right me and Alex made these messing around :lol:
  5. ssssuuuurrreeee
  6. Mhmmmmm  im laughing so hard right now!!
  7. Woah I didn't see that coming. 
  8. Lol 
  9. Sooooo, I'm just kidding around too, I'm kidding when I said that
  10. I'm leaving too then. Pm me Zacmac!! 
  11.  Is he on  ok
  12. Have fun...[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
  13. Yes [] gotta problem with it?
  14. Jeez. It was just a question. You dint have to be a jerk about it!! 