am i famous? ;)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Take_A_Chance_on_meAKA_PWND, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. Infinity 10000000000000000-
  2. @PWNED_CROSSF1RE *Zacmac  I don't care about rebels, 6 out of 10
  3. Your mom said otherwise last night :cool:
  4.  I don't have a mom I have a stepmother though
  5. No comment
  6. You didn't see haters common huh? Should have known. 

  7. ...1900? Meh.  I am biased
  8. I saw them coming and most of them fail at this and are disliked *coughzacmaccough*
  9. really, you think I'm disliked in Pimd, I think you are more than me 
  10. Zacmac! 999999999999999999! 
  11. see, thank you
  12. Are you kidding me? I love Zacmac!! 
  13. Why must you attention seek