am i famous? ;)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Take_A_Chance_on_meAKA_PWND, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. I unlike you have an iPad and iPhone. The newest version out in the USA.
  2. XD

    Darn you PWND. >:L
  3. The iPhone 5 version came out on September 1 in Macau already. :roll:

    I don't need an iPod. I've got an iPad and a iPod Touch. :3

    And a iPhone 4. Planning on buying the fifth when my mom comes home from her cruise...
  4. Well i gtg. It's 2:11am by the way chance don't stop eating mangos. ;)
  5. Foxy has a bedtime. :0
  6. No it's just that I wake up at 7 am
  7. I wake up at 6AM and sleep whenever I like. :roll:
  8. I do as I please
  9. Oh ya well I'm a banana
  10. Pwnd  37709764323567909632
  11. Foxy, suck my ToS :lol:
  12. --0  double inception
  13. Actually that would just make a positive ^

    So no inception at all.
    Just zero (;
  14. You are to me love !!
  15. -3  idk why not 1-10  *facepalm*
  16. @zamac

    As I said on my other thread, I am a rebel and do not like tone simple