Am back/ doggo update

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IJennQueenofDiamonds, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. So after taking a 4 day hiatus from PIMD, discovering one of my pups has cancer and getting trashed for 4 straight days I am back and everything in my soul being hurts
  2. Sending you love
  3. Wow 4 days from pimd? No way. So much has changed, we don't talk about the old times of pimd from 4 days ago we're way past that.
    Buwbuw and Ka-Ka-KarotCake like this.
  4. Poor baby I hope everything goes well
  5. So sorry to hear that! I hope everything goes the best way possible. Take care.
  6. Aww that must be a tough situation to be in🥺 imma wish that it’ll get easier for you, tho the pain might never fully disappear ❤️❤️
  7. Dogs are disgusting
  8. Reported
  9. Sorry about your pup. Just keep in mind that you gave them the best life you could've
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.