Allow me to reintorduce myself.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Sep 21, 2015.

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  1. Why is this not locked yet? I thought op requested for a lock when it got to page 5? Gross. Just stop commenting and he will go away people jeez
  2. Who are u?  no one knows you.
  3. That was the other thread.
  4. No, you don't know me. And as far as anyone knowing me, I don't care, its not my goal, unlike you who seems to strive for the acceptance and attention of everyone. Grow up you twit.
  5. the longer the thread survives, more jokes people will throw
  6. im curious as to what op did for all this hate. i took a break from forums and started using it regularly again yesterday. is cat fishing all he did?? or??
  7. many things, he listed few tho
    kissing ata and mods butts
    and much more
  9. lmfao damn. sounds problematic. thanks for answering btw.
  10. you are welcome
  11. All i have to say is I'm not gonna apologize. Enigma I don't have to to promote you. Your Just a Attention Ho. You think calling me a snitch is hurting me. Mods I'm requesting a Lock!
  12. not giving me attention, yet im in your main post, rip logic
  13. You probably should've requested it like 8 pages ago
  14. more like he shouldnt have written it
  15. i missed some good stuff while i was away :(
  16. never too late, join the fun now before the lock
  17. ?Dude your turning back into your old self
  18. Never leave again :(
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