Allow me to reintorduce myself.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Sep 21, 2015.

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  1. They snap at anything that moves, so I'm not going anywhere near tier junk man :(

    They're so snappy.

    Like me.
    They MUST be female ????? jkjk google says the males have longer nails than females.
  2. They all look like Freddy Kruger ;-; what kind of sorcery...stupid google.
  3. Well that's an unclimactic ending.
  4. dont insult goodle :x
  5. Why not? :( are they gonna make a thread calling everyone "meanie head"?
  6. idk google is capable of a lot

  7. Lol
  8. 
  9. ?You pretty much just made yourself look even more like a try hard
  10. Nice job spencer I'm Proud Of You, But Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
  11. Well that got off topic.....

    Actions speak louder than words.

    Ps: Hi Harmony bae. Dinner date tonight?
  12. Lololololol +1 for constructive honesty
  13. Why you apologizing to people who could care less about you
  14. Hai ? I'm having real Ramen for dinner as we speak  it's, like, the greatest.
  15. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ why care about opinions? All of the people on pimd are irrelevant. Nobody matters. Its like veggies for a fat kid. We don't like em.
  16. :(
  17. lol
  18. I like veggies and I'm pretty chunky. Idk. ;-;
  19. This was a good read. I didn't know that stuff so I know now and I don't really judge.
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