Allow me to reintorduce myself.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Sep 21, 2015.

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  1. Aww. Just be yourself. Be nice to others and they will be nice to you. 
  2. you are just stupid, not special at all ??
  3. Surrreeeee you don't ? and the sky is green. And I'm a turtle.
  4. you are pretty turtle
  5. I knew yo ass was a damn turtle!
  6. ???????????????
  7. My BFFL is a velociraptor.

    Remember TMNT? Dat wuz meh :cool:
  9. Notice asskisser was removed?
  10. Woah man. Don't bring my balls into this
  11. turtle rp ftw ?
  12. VaS Players get to the chat.
  13. Harmony has turtle balls?
  14. Turtles have balls?
  15. ???????
    I'm actually looking at my turtles and I have no idea how to figure out if they're male/female. Time for google :')
  16. you dont tho ?
  17. I think u have to press upward by their junk and u can feel if they have manstuffs
  18. ? "manstuff"
  19. *manstuffs ?
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