Allow me to reintorduce myself.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Guy, Sep 21, 2015.

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  1. Well said indeed.
  2. whats wrong with wanting people to like you??
    just curious lol
  3. Here? Out of all places? Lol. You people turn on each other every single day why does it even matter.
  4. who's "you" ???
    don't clump me in with the majority :lol:
    turning on people would require me to be nice to them at first and then rude to them later on for no apparent reason.

    i'm only rude to you if you're rude to me, you know the saying. treat people the way you wish to be treated.
  5. Yeah okay lol
  6. tbh i still see you as same person
  7. "I don't want mod"

    Gets mad for not getting mod whenever ATA posted :lol:
  8. Very interesting story brother.
  9. Nice job bro keep things positive stay happy
  10. This thread is the epitome of try-hard.  kiss some more Omar ass please.
  11. This is funny. Keep on recording screen.
  12. So does anybody else notice the spelling error of his title?
  13. i just noticed it :lol:
  14. You are either:
    A] Extremely young and a reason that ATA should not lower the age requirement for no reason whatsoever
    B] A special kind of stoooooooopid.
  15. no dont
  17. Why do you care what other people think of you? Enigma trolls on everyone, not just you -- ignore him.

    But anyway. Actions speak louder than words, my friend. I would get this locked so you don't draw more hate to yourself. Be mindful of what you post on the internet and of how you act on the internet, because the first impression is always what people remember the most.
  18. i dont troll :roll:
  19. I'm a special kind of stupid I guess lol
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