Once you get inside it's all a flash program. You grow berries and visit your friends and go to different areas to unlock Pokémon with dream world abilities. You can exchange items and.. Build up your little house thingy.
It's like Disney in a crack house! It's another one of your dreams! FLY WITH ME PIDOVE~! WE'LL EXPLORE THIS INSANE NON-SENSE WORLD AND THROW THEM BERRIES AT THEM HOBOS~! .-.
You bring the Pokémon you find in the dream world back to your game through the entralink. I sound like I'm on drugs.
Died off Lavendar town music? You're kidding me. All I know is that the polygram thing anime episode caused 500 kids to have seizures so they cancelled the episode. .-.
Nah he was messing around with the music and thought something was missing. He had a seizure and died supposedly. Yeah that did happen in Japan I think...