All Time Number ...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jihi, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Omg. I failed to mention God of War. I meant to and then I forgot. Sony is going to smite me now.
  2. It's the wii and it's 'fitness' aspect along with the DS and now 3DS
  3. From what I've heard, God of War 3 was a bit of a let down.
  4. Nintendo already has a hold on the casual gaming and family gaming communities. The only mature titles I can think of were Madworld, Dead Rising, House of the Dead, Call of Duty... Am I forgetting any? 

    With the Wii U, they're delving into the shooters, the HD graphics, the console wars. They're stepping up to take a piece of the more hardcore gaming community. Will it work? Who knows. Nintendo hasn't really had a large flop in any of it's console or handheld sales due to overwhelming support from 

    Umm... I think GoW 3 was kind of short. I ran through it in about 8 hours at a relaxed pace.  But I have to say on the mature aspect... There are some really uncomfortably grisly fight scenes in it  If you want to see the sinews of a man's neck... Just saying 
  5.  omg this girl needs to shut up, amirite?
  6. How'd the gamecube do bc I know it want really too big here. It was ps2(which I love) and xboc
  7. I like Xbox for the community. I'll never switch, that's why this argument always happens.
  8. I just purchased an Xbox.
  9. Ps2 has been around for some 10 years. I have no clue I don't remember off the top of my head. But it's still a great system because of all the games over that long span.
    When I bought an Xbox... I played SC2 and... That's about it.  I was pretty n00bish so I did the DDR thing, and RPGs 
    Gamecube did ok because of this number 1 reason: character trademarks! (Zelda, Pokémon, Mario, Metroid, etc)

    Admit it. You all play some LoZ or Mario.  you grew up on that stuff.

    I do believe 360 has a larger community. I said that...  but... Whenever I turn my mic on I get perved on regardless if I'm paying for XBL or just playing PSN. I've had to resort to muting or playing in private friend groups 
    For the future capabilities of the system and hardware that you're spending your money on? ... The PS3 is more expensive for a reason.
  10. N64 Represent!

    PS2 had great games, and great game series , like Jak<3
  11. The blue ray is the only difference, and honestly graphics aren't everything.

    So I'll stick with my community.

    Subject change: Modern warfare 3 or battlefield 3?
  12. Err..FPS aren't my thing..
  13. Ps2 has been around for some 10 years. I have no clue I don't remember off the top of my head. But it's still a great system because of all the games over that long span.
    When I bought an Xbox... I played SC2 and... That's about it.  I was pretty n00bish so I did the DDR thing, and RPGs 
    Gamecube did ok because of this number 1 reason: character trademarks! (Zelda, Pokémon, Mario, Metroid, etc)

    Admit it. You all play some LoZ or Mario.  you grew up on that stuff.

    I do believe 360 has a larger community. I said that...  but... Whenever I turn my mic on I get perved on regardless if I'm paying for XBL or just playing PSN. I've had to resort to muting or playing in private friend groups 
  14. Goldeneye for 64
  15. Not mine either, but they're fun every now and again.
  16. Argg sorry lol... And I'd go with battlefield. *gets shot*
  17. Are any of you MMOers?