All of these damn rp's.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by SVG-TheFaLLenFenrir-, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Me grow up? Hilarious
  2. I've been around since November 2011. Was gone for a long time when my phone broke. But now I'm bored. Back to rp.
  3. Well i never said anything about the regular forums smart alec, i was merely talking about you not being an asshole to the RP people's you may have friends
  4. I don't want rp friends. I'm a realist.
  5. Then please, Ethan, if growing up isn't going to be on your priority list then get your head out of your ass and get back to Off Topic.

    You fucked up already. :|
  6. Why haven't you mentioned me yet Goldi? 
  7. The head out of ass is so overused. Seems like the only good comeback you have.
  8. Oh. Just noticed you.
  9. The truth hurts. :D
  10. It hurts worse when you're a smartass kid with more ego then most adults.
  11. Sometimes it hurts. When people want to hear something nice it may sting but when they don't it doesn't mean a thing.
  12. The RP community can be more than what your making it to be. "Realist"pfft
  13. Oh, the irony. ;D
  14. Hypocrital much? XD You're saying her comebacks are bad? Have you seen your' own...>.>

    Bleh. Time to dissapear again.  This probably posted late. .-.
  15. Community? More like idiots
  16. It's more that a bunch of losers talking about slaying dragons and making tea all day?
  17. Rani, can you take over for me? School is an ass.
  18. Ethan, that's even more ironic considering you're all chatty with a bunch of moronic dip shits. :D