All about me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. Sorri
  2. Pls someone give me a good story so you can win
  3. Beggers cant be choosers

  4. There are no good stories with you involved it seems. Says a lot ig
  5. Sherily was literally one of the only few who said anything decent, so did figured, it seems thats as good as its gonna get for you. tragic.
  6. *gives op a box of tissues*
  7. Schwanz even was the first to say anything and it wasn't even really a bad thing. :?
  8. imagine being this uncultured. what do you mean what is bratz?
  9. petition for ata to permaban anonymous for crimes against humanity
  10. She/He wrote btatz. Not bratz. So I mean

    Reported for slander again 
  11. this is a crime against humanity and everything else besides humanity.
  12. Everyone had stupid stories.

    yall all lost and I win because I got the attention I wanted. Go to my drawing new contest

    Time to go find new women on the selfie thread.

    Requesting lock.
  13. dead. You’re such an icon ?
  14. I feel cheated. I'm calling my lawyer.
  15. Locking as per request.
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