All about me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. hai. i am the best ariel
  2. I wanna sign up to be an Ariel
  3. Fite me. I hate every other ariel
  4. You're not allowed to be an Ariel, Anonymous
  5. What if I say plz really nicely
  6. Still not allowed
  8. I will be Ariel2
  9. But if we already have 2, then you would be Ariel 3
  10. My name is being blasphemied
  11. I remember when I posted on this thread?...
  12. Okay I am Anonriel
  13. That's weird but okay
  14. Hai ily, krazy for mod
  15. Support.
  16. Idk why buy when o read The forum name
    All I could think of was that btatz song you know itโ€™s all about me ๎Š
  17. What is btatz? Bring the aminals to zoo
  18. thought this said Hailey for a minute
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