All about me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. The time you convinced me to RS you (and I made you pay cause I knew your reputation) and you broke it less than 24 hours later lmao
  2. No one has any fun stories

    This is boringggggg
  3. The time you gave me Greg the Grizzly bear out of the kindness of your heart cause you knew I had been wanting it
  4. And then I took it back when I left because im petty, nextttttt this is lame smh

    Your stories are like a hundred other people's smh, I need creativity if you're gonna win
  5. And then farmed me for it when we argued lol so it ended up not being a gift at all
  6. Add me for more Brandon tea :lol:
  7. All the tea is the same flavor honey, what don't you get
  8. I'm not here to win. :)

    AYE 100 posts, sad I'm wasting it here tbh
  9. All of your tea tastes bitter
  10. Yet you all drink it by the gallon full.
  11. I know it might feel better to vent about all of the things he has done to you but, unfortunately, I think it gives him a very sad satisfaction to know he hurt you. Your stories are very similar to some of mine and others because no one has ever meant anything more to him than something to play with. If you (or anyone else who he has hurt, for that matter) ever need someone to talk to about it, I am around and willing to listen. ?
  12. Idk
    rp with me[i/] so we can make some memories and I have a chance
    We can do breathing and drinking water arpee
  13. Thank you, that means a lot to me. I'm venting a little so that maybe other women can be cautious. That alone is enough for my satisfaction :)
  14. How do you hurt people on a game? Teach me your ways :(
  15. 1. Post a cute selfie in the selfie thread
    2. Reject Brandon's advances
    3. Rinse repeat
  16. We need an emotional support group for all the white women I hurt on the game tbh

    I think like none of you rejected the advances though? I am confusion
  17. This is why I absolutely love you, sherily.
  18. My story, you deleted me like 3 times for being busy with life. I win
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