All about me

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frog, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. Shut up, this isn't your thread. Go away

  2. Dont threaten me with a good time

    Also, you kinda remind me of Quadracr
  3. Idk what that is but, if it's a horror movie creature, you're right.
  4. I meant OP reminds me of Quad. He's an old pimd player. Used to give DV's for nudes. Got catfished by someone pretending to be like a 13 yr old girl and was exposed on forums but mods/ata deleted the thread and didnt do anything to him. Pretty sure he's still playing.
  5. I remember him LOL^
  6. Um you randomly followed me like last week or the week before and we talked for like 30 minutes and I unfollowed bc I was supposed to be quitting but that failed obviously and you were cool to talk to for the 30 minutes
  7. I wish I knew you, but I don’t. I only know who you are because you look like Post Malone.
    Good luck with this contest. It’s fun reading validating and uplifting things about oneself.
  8. Still playing? Yikes.
  9. Mew, every time we talked, you tried to rp with me or get me to send you Misc. When I turned you down, at least 4 times, you unfriended me all those times. That's the only thing I remember about you, besides you hitting me once
  10. I heard his last RS was spinderella ?
  11. Ew I don't rp, disqualified for lying
  12. Wow no. You're just salty cause I said no 4 times ?
  13. Fond memory:

    You sent me a friend request today
  14. The time you literally told me you use women until they bore you. The times where you hit me multiple times just so that I'd unblock you....after begging me to block you.

    You're an awful person :)
  15. Sounds like me, but it's a no from me dawg
  16. vivid memory: you kept calling my alt fake ariel

    also hi real ariel :D
  17. I have ss.
  18. Oh hello!
  19. The time you got me kicked out of my cat club for "sfw". (I finished my session later so nbd) the time you called me like 15x in a row because I was mad at you. Ummm what else? I have lots of stories
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