Disagree but maybe increase the drop rate cause we have like a 10% chance of getting a cat each party
It's not necessarily the party itself as much as the way it is used. ATA sees the money rolling in and keeps rotating everything around it.
Tbh there will be noobs on the game everywhere Cat Cafe or not. ATA will not get rid of it, no matter how much some may try. It's here to stay, might as well accept it. Personally, I don't mind it, in fact, I like it. It is possible to LCBC without CC as many players did before it existed. This is another way for ATA to make money, but many players are happy with it. Causing maybe 25 players to be upset in forums is sadly not going to make CC go away.
Don't remove it, just get rid of most CC clubs and change it back to the original 3 days Join -BAD- our cause is to remove them from PIMD and change it a tad, our loyal allies will defend us in wars, it as -BAD- vs 4 others but we will always pull through
Ohh drop these threads it's annoying. Let people choose how they wish to play who gives a crap how they achieve their stats! How is it affecting you In anyway? If you don't like CC simply don't become a part of it. Don't acknowledge it's existence. And move along. No one cares anymore lol. This is getting old real quick!
Kind of hard seeing people who do cc would grow at 3x the rate if their half as active as the person who doesnf️
I disagree, without CC, makin LCBC would be much much much more impossible, a lot of people would easily give up. ATA would lose a lot of money, cats are the main reason people buy EC's... It's like you're telling Apple to stop making iPhones cause they are too rich... It doesn't make any sense.
Im only admin becouse im perm silence like i can post on wc for a war club cc boring where the fun beside helpping yous get to lcbc im the old one here that never become lcbc odd one out
Is this the 100th or 200th post written upon this subject???? Stop jabbering on and realise cat cafe is not going to be removed now or in the near possible future! Despite the complaints it's to popular in comparison.