Lheinssa(sp?) So you know how it feels, because your cousin went through it? You can't even begin to imagine. I can't either. But my girlfriend can. She's miscarried, had 2 abortions to complete some misscarriages, and gave up her only successful pregnancy for adoption. You have no idea the extent of the emotions until you actually go through it yourself. Second hand experiences can't even begin to compare.
Page 9, second post from the bottom. "I know how it feels, my cousin almost went through it." Hmmm...
Its the only feelings I've went through with abortion..even though it wasn't me Can u stop being judgmental towards meh
I don't think anyone is being judgmental towards and Michelle is one of the LEAST judgmental person on here. We are just giving our opinions on the subject which happens to contradict with yours...
stop bringing this crap to forums. this isnt EXPRESS MY FEELINGS IN MY DORM. so please use facebook amd twitter. besides repeat x100
PBM, you've yet to post anything worth reading. Please vacate the game as quickly as the cosmic speed limit will allow.