Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by IlIIllIlIlIlZEUSSlIlIlIllllIlI, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. still waiting in pm
  2. A must read for all new players
  3. Brb : be right back
    Tyt : take yout time, usually used when someone say brb
  4. What means kik
  5. Q - Questions can be sent to Pimd devs via feedback.
  6. L
    LG-Lady Gaga
    LG5-Lady Gaga's Fifth Album
  7. add Wall Art
    Pictures or patterns typically made with emojis or emoticons, that are created and pasted on to others walls
  8. How do I get a party in my Dorm without any of the Teachers knowing
  9. Aw, I wanted to make a PIMD dictionary in 2012. I never got around to it, happy to see someone else had the idea before me. ?
  10. Ok but you gotta add in Rp right?
  11. Why did I get silence for when I didn't do no wrong talking about gettin screwed
  12. Why did I get silence for when I didn't do no wrong talking about gettin screwed
  13. Kcs, mcs and tutors bonus/max plunder should be added but I know this is an old thread
  14. Oo thanks this helped
  15. I will be updating this, I need your help, follow me, wall me, leave a message in here with new additions that you feel need adding to this, maybe even a list if you want to really help, I'd like it to be one update rather than many.